
No poo! What can I do? We have poo - pg 2!

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No poo! What can I do? We have poo - pg 2!

Postby clothmama » Sat Feb 14, 2015 9:47 pm

I can't believe it wasn't long ago I was asking when they start slowing down their uber regular poos. We now haven't had a poo since last Thursday, so 9 days :-? . Wednesday he did a poo'nami (even took pics for you lot - he was in a dispo and it was a disaster and made me late for my birhtday lunch!) then another poo I think on the Thursday, I only remember as I remember thinking 'oh I hope that means no big poo on the plane'!

He seems pretty uncomfortable / colicky but not all the time. When should I start worrying?

Any tips for helping him to go?

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Re: No poo! What can I do?

Postby ems101 » Sat Feb 14, 2015 10:00 pm

Belly massage. Or hold his ankles and bend his legs so knees are pushing up to his tummy. then rolls them round. As you are looking at him in a clockwise direction. Putting them in a baby bouncer alwYs helped my lot go too! I think I might speak to a hv if not gone by Monday.

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Re: No poo! What can I do?

Postby Bugglyboo » Sat Feb 14, 2015 10:23 pm

Oscar regularly went 10 days at this age. I used to rub his tummy in a clockwise motion which stimulates the bowels. Apart from cycling his legs, that's all we did. I think it's just because he's the kind of kid who drinks loads but doesn't wee much so loads of the milk was absorbed rather than passed out so it built up until it was worth the effort ;) He still drinks loads and hardly wees.

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Re: No poo! What can I do?

Postby confusinglady » Sat Feb 14, 2015 10:25 pm

The change in water could be the issue ( although it sounds like it started just before your move). Depends if it's just a big gap between normal soft poos or whether the poo that comes out is a bit hard.
As Emily and Jess say clockwise sweeping movements across his tummy and round, pushes things in the right direction. Knees up and then down help too. Sometimes I found these were more affective after a warm bath with no nappy. Are you back in cloth yet? If so put your favourite ' I hope you don t poo in it' nappy on him- that ll make him go for sure! :giggle:

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Re: No poo! What can I do?

Postby clothsister » Sun Feb 15, 2015 7:34 am

Firstly don't forget 'technically' breast fed babies don't get constipated. At about 12 weeks Penny went from hourly pooing to pooing every other day and it's Normal for a bf baby to got up to 14 days without pooing. That being said cool (but still warm) boiled water might help. If he seems in real pain nip to the gp tomorrow to get some movicol. X

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Re: No poo! What can I do?

Postby cuppachaplz » Sun Feb 15, 2015 8:01 am

When I had jacob the HV recommended all above, but also putting tiny bit of Vaseline (or similar) on his anus to stimulate the bowels. It worked almost instantly :gosh:

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Re: No poo! What can I do?

Postby clothsister » Sun Feb 15, 2015 8:15 am

Hahahahaha that's brilliant @cuppachaplz that's made my morning!

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Re: No poo! What can I do?

Postby Kim » Sun Feb 15, 2015 4:42 pm

We have a ball (football sized) that we put Willow on to on her tummy and roll her around on it holding legs if that makes sense.

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Re: No poo! What can I do?

Postby clothmama » Sun Feb 15, 2015 7:03 pm

Interesting about the water idea, it could be that as he did his last big poo the day before we flew on the Thursday, then I was flying Friday and of course on the plane with the aircon you don't get enough to drink and then since we have been here I've probably not been drinking as much as normal / as I should as we have been wizzing around so much and also (bad excuse I know) but MIL has tiny glasses so normally at home when I have a glass I have 400 mls where here it is maybe 200 so that isn't helping either - must make more effort to drink more!!

clothsister wrote:Firstly don't forget 'technically' breast fed babies don't get constipated. At about 12 weeks Penny went from hourly pooing to pooing every other day and it's Normal for a bf baby to got up to 14 days without pooing. That being said cool (but still warm) boiled water might help. If he seems in real pain nip to the gp tomorrow to get some movicol. X
Still lots of days until 14!

We have done lots of tummy massage, leg going round and I put some cream on his bum, nothing yet! He isn't uncomfortable beyond his normal colic really either. I did a good abdo palp and there is no hard bits around his abdo / bowels so I'm not really worried just want to do what I can to help him!


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