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What a great pick me up

by 0_Lisa_0 on Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:40 pm
So I've been going to the gym for a few weeks now and I love it :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I thought it was going to be really hard to get myself motivated and keep going but I'm really enjoying myself. The best part is I'm already getting compliments from people saying I have lost weight...

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1 Comment Viewed 207053 times

CSP Learning Curve!

by clothmama on Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:07 am
Day 2 of testing! (Day 1 is here if you missed it!)

Last night I couldn't remember where I had put the Hollow Oak pad and was very tired so ended up putting the largest Go with the Flo one on. I really like this pad, so soft and comfy and you can feel that there are lots of layers for absorption yet it isn't thick. I think the...

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Hiccups and BH

by sophDC on Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:55 pm

I had a so-so evening yesterday.
Good points:
Cooking my OH a chilli con carne (not my cup of tea, but may have converted myself, haha!) and him adoring it :)
Pampering bath
Hypnobirthing relaxtion and massage
Not so good points:
Really sudden shooting pains down there, maybe to do with the engagement of the baby's head? At my 34 week mw appt baby was 3/5 engaged. This was followed by some rather intense...

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0 Comments Viewed 10707 times

The first day

by 0_Lisa_0 on Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:10 pm
So OH has had his line for his chemo put in today, he has had to have a dual line so they can give him blood and platelets while he is having his chemo. It all feels a bit dreamy at the moment, I've had moments where I have had to stop and question if this is really all happening but I'm guessing it must be as OH hasn't come home yet. We have been told his immune system is no longer working so he may not be allowed home at the weekend but so far the plan is he will come home on Saturday (after blood...

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1 Comment Viewed 206407 times


by 0_Lisa_0 on Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:05 pm
The sickness has decided to strike again, just when I thought it was over! Seems to be mid morning or mid afternoon and I really thought that it was gone. Even been actually sick again a couple of days ago :roll: I thought it was supposed to be on the wane by now! Made my first nappy related purchases (just a couple of wraps) but think I will try to hold off now until we know what we are having,...

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