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Had a semi private lesson with best friend!

by nic1 on Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:56 pm
We had great fun. I was on Roxy again (i love that mare) and my friend being taller than me was on Benson who is bigger than Roxy. They are very good horses though and we loved it. I cantered again and had fun. My friends horse was just meant to trot and he started to canter but my friend sat really well on him and she enjoyed it too. It was her first lesson back in the saddle in about 7 years so we have booked again for next week! ...

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0 Comments Viewed 31199 times

January, snowdrops, and a lot of yarn

by madcatlady on Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:31 pm
The snowdrops in my garden are shooting up into the world again, won't be very long until their flowers come with the promise of Spring approaching.
It's been a cold hard Winter here this year, lots of coal-tits and robins about though, they seem to love perching in the bare Hawthorn and springing up off into the air again.

Winter is a fabulous time to be snuggled up warm indoors of an evening with a ball of yarn and the clicketty of needles working it into something special. My current project...

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1 Comment Viewed 16337 times

JellyNose Chic - Hello from Claire

by clairelana on Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:12 am
Hello everyone.
I'm going to be showing all my items that are going on sale in here my blog.

This all started with me wanting a go at painting some clothes on the 14th of January.
Later that night i started with cupcakes on an old vest -

I was happy with the result but thought they were a bit simple for what i was aiming for.

All you lovely CNT ladies were really supportive giving me...

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0 Comments Viewed 10094 times


by Twinmamma on Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:18 am
It's Saturday morning and organised chaos is ensuing downstairs while I type away happily upstairs. Saturday morning in our house is Simon's morning with the kids and I am supposed to get a lie in :hohoho:
As I said before, organised chaos, Max and Tom our four and a half month old twins are bellowing and Anna our nearly three year old is racing around declaring that she is the winner of a trophy, and...

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3 Comments Viewed 21073 times

Nappy Joy!

by frankie_n_baby on Tue Jan 13, 2009 1:07 pm
I am sooo pleased! :wine: My little lambs kit has just arrived and I have teeny cotton and bamboo nappies (I got aplix in the end). I am so excited! :mrgreen: Oh, I hope this is the start of something beautiful ...

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3 Comments Viewed 45124 times