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This mornings lesson!

by nic1 on Sun May 17, 2009 5:31 pm
It went really well today, enjoyed it lots. Alfie was good in canter and Emma also did a couple of short canters too on Twix her pony!! :wine: :wine:
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by frankie_n_baby on Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:50 pm
My lovely little boy woke we again at about 5:25am, after a late night. :lol: I just couldn't get back to sleep after that until moments before the alarm went off. I was just getting breakfast when my boss/colleague's (am technically self employed) wife called to say that he wasn't well so we'd have to postpone the job today, which suited me fine. Shame he's unwell, tho.
Shortly after...

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my first blog :-)

by angiepangie2809 on Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:27 pm
I've never done this before but thought I would give it a go. Mine will be an as and when kind of blog, recording some feelings/events ect and stuff I need to focus on or sort out whilst things are so hectic in my life. Can't promise I will write anything interesting but every now and again I will try! :-)
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Mmmmmacaroni cheese

by frankie_n_baby on Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:50 pm
I am sitting on the sofa stuffed full of dhs delish homemade macaroni cheese (whole-wheat penne, mature cheddar, local thick, bacon, onion,crispy breadcrumbs and more cheese!) I think I had an eyes-belly moment I also think my baby is having a growth spurt! Or maybe I'm just getting fat. :hohoho: I seem to be more hungry over the last few days and the bump seems to have gotten...

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a quick update.

by clairelana on Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:42 am
I've been busy dyeing and painting this last week or so.
I will be putting my work on here as i finish it.
All the ones i'm doing are already ordered.
When i get chance i will do some ready done ones for the shop.

I'm also looking to do collabs with woolie WAHM's I have one for BBM that i'm in the middle of.

Heres the first one - Pink LWI with butterfly.

and a few more -

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