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My (Annabel's) stash

by Miss_Purple on Mon May 03, 2010 8:26 am
Right, finally got round to taking pics of all my preloved wool and uploading it - also sorted out t-shirts to go with it all :giggle:

Quite proud really - only started in March - but don't dare work out what it has cost me!

3 Comments Viewed 247667 times

A little blitz goes a long way

by 0_Lisa_0 on Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:19 pm
I had a good old tidy today, started at 9 and just about finished at 3. I have re-arranged my furniture, hoovered (several times), polished, washed, scrubbed the carpet in several places, de-cluttered and put away and had a general tidy, oh and mopped the floors. I feel much happier and even plucked up the courage to phone OH. All was fine on the phone so I'm going to go see him again. I will take the advice I was given and let all the nasty comments (if there are any) go over my head. Tidy house,...

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6 Comments Viewed 221760 times

This was the week that sucked!

by loumo on Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:32 am
Ok, so this week has officially sucked. There would be more words in that sentence but it would break the CNT code of conduct! :hohoho:

But to make it seem less challenging, I shall, for you good people, magically transform it into a vaguely amusing rant which will, if nothing else, allow you to appreciate a trip into your kitchen to make a drink, or to your bedrooms to grab a nappy...

A little scene...

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0 Comments Viewed 10007 times

Wool - A few of my projects...

by Twinmamma on Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:20 pm
I thought I'd add some of my most recent knits here so I can show them off a bit. I learnt to knit a few months ago and I have become painfully addicted! A pair of large longies takes about 2 weeks, so I'm not rapid by any length of the imagination. I'm now trying the Sleuthing Hoodie and have a hat in mind as well as some knits for a friend's new baby boy...
So, here they are:


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0 Comments Viewed 5787 times

CSP Learning Curve!

by clothmama on Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:07 am
Day 2 of testing! (Day 1 is here if you missed it!)

Last night I couldn't remember where I had put the Hollow Oak pad and was very tired so ended up putting the largest Go with the Flo one on. I really like this pad, so soft and comfy and you can feel that there are lots of layers for absorption yet it isn't thick. I think the...

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