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Wooly Stash :)

by Velvetsteph on Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:46 pm
Isabelle's woolies:

Mummy knitted longies on the left, Motherknit black cherry longies on the right

Grandma Knitted longies on the left (they're a bit on the small side now), Babylonglegs Gothika shorties on the right :)

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1 Comment Viewed 84623 times

A few things i've been up to.

by clairelana on Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:08 pm

I can do matching designs on BG too.

Hope you like.

2 Comments Viewed 24809 times

January, snowdrops, and a lot of yarn

by madcatlady on Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:31 pm
The snowdrops in my garden are shooting up into the world again, won't be very long until their flowers come with the promise of Spring approaching.
It's been a cold hard Winter here this year, lots of coal-tits and robins about though, they seem to love perching in the bare Hawthorn and springing up off into the air again.

Winter is a fabulous time to be snuggled up warm indoors of an evening with a ball of yarn and the clicketty of needles working it into something special. My current project...

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1 Comment Viewed 15856 times

More nappy washing

by frankie_n_baby on Tue Jan 20, 2009 2:16 pm
Despite the warnings of snow and sleet in the West, I am washing my little lambs (most of them) and my tots bots at the mo. Did a 30-- without detergent, and am now doing a 40 with about 1/3-1/2 detergent (we never use much, anyway). There seem to be no suds, so maybe I need to add a bit more detergent. If I'd started earlier I would have given them a 40-- with detergent, too, but want to hang them out to make the most of the sunshine and breeze.

Yoga went well last night,...

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3 Comments Viewed 36780 times

Baby dragon BG tank top set.

by clairelana on Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:39 pm
I'm in the process of doing a green BG with a baby dragon on it and a green woolen tank top with a white t-shirt under it.
I'm doing the BG and tank top with the same matching dragon.

I'm also thinking of doing the same dragon on a green blanket.

Any sugestions for colours?
I'm thinking blue, yellow and red.

I will post Pics asap.

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