
Bambinex all in one

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Bambinex all in one

Postby gingercc » Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:18 pm

Wonder if anyone can help. After losing the plot with my Bambino Mios (!) I've been to see Val at nappy days and bought a wide selection of bits and pieces to try.

One nappy I tried on my nearly 9 month old, Reuben, (23lbs, boy) is puzzling me!
Its the Bambinex all in one . . which I thought looked great, fairly fast drying and not scary for my OH or my parents to use when they are looking after him.
However after 30mins it was leaking. WhenI investigated . . it was wet at the front . . on closer inspection of the nappy . . the real padding start quite low at the front and goes between the legs (obviously) . but near the top at the front (just below the fastenign - aplix?) there is no real padding at all.

Has anyone else had this problem? I'll try it again . . and it does seem like I could boost it a bit at the front . . but I liked the slimness of it . . so don't want to boost too much down below . . hmmm
any suggestions . . . this is all still a bit new to me . . . feels like cooking . . I always stick to the recipe and feel "naughty" for deviating off instructions . . . so not very good at mixing and matching bits of nappies/liners/booster etc yet! LOL

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Re: Bambinex all in one

Postby Scotia » Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:33 pm

I bought some of these when Boots was selling them off for £2.50 :)

I don't find them all that great tbh, and just use mine as emergency nappies in my changing bag, and I leave a couple at my mums too. They don't last too long though before leaking, but you can put a hemp or bamboo booster under the padding which might help a bit.

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Re: Bambinex all in one

Postby vampiredreams » Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:20 pm

I gfot mine too when Boots were selling them off....used 1 once and it was pathetic so i sold mine on only have 1 left now :x

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Re: Bambinex all in one

Postby chipmonkey » Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:32 pm

I was sooooo disappointed in these! To me, the problem appears to be that the teddy fabric continues almost out to the tabs and the moisture is able to wick out onto the baby's vest as the outer cover doesn't stop the two from coming in contact. Very frustrating, I have had a few leaks at nursery and they are beginning to hint at putting him in dispies which I really don't want to do.

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Re: Bambinex all in one

Postby chipmonkey » Thu Sep 17, 2009 10:03 pm

Well, I contacted Geobel to express my disappointment and they told me that they are launching a new improved AIO at the end of October which has an additional bamboo soaker and improved design. Should be better as their bamboo nappies and wraps are well-designed.

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