
What do you store your ironing pile in?

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Re: What do you store your ironing pile in?

Postby Allie » Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:19 pm

In a plastic laundry basket on top of the tumble drier in the cupboard under the stairs. I usually iron when I can't shut the cupboard door :oops: :giggle:

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Re: What do you store your ironing pile in?

Postby mummy_goose1 » Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:33 pm

mine lives on one of the dining room chairs, and when i can't tuck the chair under the table coz the ironing pile is too high - then i know it's time to iron. Although i am trying to keep ontop of it a bit better... Love those bags danika linked... may have to invest....!

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Re: What do you store your ironing pile in?

Postby Bluebell » Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:51 pm

We don't have an ironing pile, we only get the iron out for special occasions (ie when OH needs to wear a shirt).

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Re: What do you store your ironing pile in?

Postby Kirstyh » Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:06 pm

in one of those great big ikea bags in the wardrobe in Williams room x

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Re: What do you store your ironing pile in?

Postby zippie-purple-monkey » Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:22 am

Thanks ladies. I don't usually dooooo ironing - infact last time I ironed was all of DDs baby clothes before her birth :giggle: , but for some reason I'm feeling like sorting and having a clear out - spring must definately be around the corner!

Miss_Purple wrote:I keep mine on a chair behind the door in the breakfast room, that way I can do a few bits while DD eats breakfast or does painting etc. The iron and ironing board are in a cupboard nearby too.
My cousin keeps hers in a large recycled bag (will try to find a link *eta this sort of thing http://www.bibelot.co.uk/shop/#ecwid:mo ... ct=6035743 )
I have a couple of the same bags which I use for wool and Christmas present storage and they are very practical.

Love those bags Dannika, cute, pratical and recycled - ticks all the boxes! :thumbsup:


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