
Pram suit or coat?

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Pram suit or coat?

Postby Hannahboo » Sun Aug 12, 2012 11:51 am

Is it worth me buying a pram suit for bump?

He is due the end of October so will be tiny over winter so I know he will need to be kept warm when out and about but could I just get away with getting him a warm coat instead? We never had this issue with Darcy as she was a June baby so by the time we hit winter we got her a pram suit but she only wore it a handful of times before it was out grown. Where we live we have to drive to get anywhere so the most he will be outside etc will be for short walks around the estate or for walks around town so its not like we will be spending a lot of time outside walking to and from places etc. If I can get away with just a warm coat and blanket it would work out much cheaper than the pram suit I have seen that I like :giggle: especially as Darcy gained weight so fast that if he is the same then he is probably going to go through at least 2 sizes by the end of winter!

So what did everyone do? All advice welcome, as all this winter baby stuff is new for us :thumbsup:

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Re: Pram suit or coat?

Postby Rox » Sun Aug 12, 2012 12:16 pm

I dont like pram suits, they seem faffy, have to be on/off and what if baba falls asleep in it when out then you come in you would have to disturb them to get it off of they might over heat.

I've gone for a soft, lightly padded jacket and will layer as necessary. I have a nest for my bugaboo so thats like a cosytoes but mini stylee and have blankets etc so will layer her up in the pram and i doubt she will need a big thick pram suit when being worn in the sling due to our body heat etc.

I guess if you do a lot of pram walking it might be good for use with a carry cot but as i drive its no good in the car.

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Re: Pram suit or coat?

Postby Hannahboo » Sun Aug 12, 2012 12:40 pm

I think I will just go for a coat then! Quite liking this fleecy one from Next http://www.next.co.uk/x503868s5 at the moment although not sure how thick it will be, but with a few layers and a blanket I am guessing it would probably do the job as like you we would use the car a lot. I never even thought about the faff of having to take it on and off all the time to get in and out of the car etc :giggle: We didn't bother with the carry cot part for our pram but the hood comes right down so will block a lot of wind/cold if needs be, then he will have his thick blanket!

Havent a clue what I will dress him in, in the sling as I am generally a really hot person so dont want him to over heat but at the same time dont want his legs to be cold. Think maybe some knitted leg warmers to keep his legs warm :-?

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Re: Pram suit or coat?

Postby teganplus2 » Sun Aug 12, 2012 1:18 pm

I always have pram suits in winter, we hardly ever go out but when we do I like to think they are nice and toasty and personally think that pram suits are less bulky and faffy than coats, we have one from mamas and papas that doesn't have legs in it, it is an all in one but no leg stitchinb IYGWIM so it is more of a pram bag I guess :giggle: so if you need to take it off so they don't overheat you can just remove the top section without disturbing them (if that makes sense)

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Re: Pram suit or coat?

Postby lazylexis » Sun Aug 12, 2012 1:19 pm

DS1 was a may baby but in winter we layered a lot and had buggy footmuff.In the sling I put lots of top layers but nothing thick as he got pretty hot.On. his legs we had trousers and legwarmers and he was toasty even in the snow

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Re: Pram suit or coat?

Postby Rox » Sun Aug 12, 2012 1:21 pm

When he is tiny hun you will tuck his legs in so he will stay warm. Not until he is a few months will his legs be out and by then he wont be quite so vulnerable to the cold and you'll have a better idea of if he is a hottie or not and what to put on him x

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Re: Pram suit or coat?

Postby Rox » Sun Aug 12, 2012 1:26 pm

I have this but in white for Sadie http://www.next.co.uk/x502846s1

I need to get her another, bigger size one for the colder months but am waiting to see what comes out in the new season. It still wont be anything massive & super thick though as we are mostly out and about by car so she doesnt need anything huge.

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Re: Pram suit or coat?

Postby Kirstyh » Sun Aug 12, 2012 1:31 pm

We don't use either, I just out ours in a thick cardi, I am not a huge coat person. pram suits seem a fiddle as they can't be worn in the car, same with coats x

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Re: Pram suit or coat?

Postby chocmuffin » Sun Aug 12, 2012 3:24 pm

I use a car seat snuggle/ cover as they're easy to flip open once in the car! :D


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