
Little night owl

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Little night owl

Postby epsilon1 » Mon Jan 12, 2015 5:47 pm

For the last six weeks or so Junior has been going to sleep around 10pm, and waking up around 8am.

Am I going to have to start waking him a bit earlier to get an earlier bedtime? I'm still feeding to sleep, which usually takes an hour or so, since I like to give him a chance to sleep earlier.

I wouldn't mind but it's making it hard to get out to some of the things we do in the mornings. Or if I need to get out to work. Also I miss a bit of down time in the evening. Just shifting it an hour earlier would be helpful.

He's been sleeping through the night most of the time since September time, three nights out of four or thereabouts anyway, so it can't be that.

Any input?

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Re: Little night owl

Postby clothmama » Mon Jan 12, 2015 6:23 pm

How old is he?

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Re: Little night owl

Postby epsilon1 » Mon Jan 12, 2015 10:35 pm

Just turned 2 a couple of weeks ago.

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Re: Little night owl

Postby Sunset » Mon Jan 12, 2015 10:59 pm

I would bring it forward 15min at a time over a few weeks. Luckily he's not old enough to know the time so there shouldn't be too much complaint.
I wouldn't wake him earlier in the morning, he should just adjust his own clock over time with earlier bedtime.
Our routine is upstairs at 7pm then wash and story so they are usually asleep by 7.30-7.45. They wake about 6.45-7am most days, sometimes later.

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Re: Little night owl

Postby clothmama » Tue Jan 13, 2015 4:07 am

Sunset wrote:I would bring it forward 15min at a time over a few weeks.

Yep that is what I'd do too. I think they say 15 mins every 3 days and it is supposed to be painless!

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Re: Little night owl

Postby epsilon1 » Wed Jan 21, 2015 4:31 pm

You all seem to think I have much more control than I do :giggle:

Last night he initially went to sleep just after 9, I carried him into his room, put him down into his cot as normal, and he woke up again instantly. Back to feeding, back to sleep, into his cot and wake up. Lather, rinse repeat. Finally got him down just after 10 :roll: :lol: :evil:

And since the weekend he's not had a proper afternoon nap either. :surrender:

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Re: Little night owl

Postby Sunset » Wed Jan 21, 2015 6:17 pm

Don't worry about last night, just pick up and start again where you left, keep the routine going and he will eventually follow. It's worth it the end and he will be so much better for it, especially when he starts school.
Missing the afternoon nap may just be a phase, keep trying to get him to nap for a little while. DS1 dropped his at 2.5, DS2 dropped his at 18m.

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Re: Little night owl

Postby confusinglady » Wed Jan 21, 2015 9:28 pm

Hiya :wave:
I can t believe he's that old :shock:
Is there opportunity to do the last bit of your/ his routine in his room? So less chance of waking up?
I wonder if he's overtired? I ve always found that starting the routine what seems ridiculously early sometimes leads to a smoother falling asleep bit. Especially if he's not had an afternoon nap. When mine dropped an afternoon nap bedtime starts at 6:30pm, and still does for dd2 now she's at school or she just goes beyond it.
I believe in the sleep window, if you miss it you have to wait another two hours. If mine aren't asleep at say 7pm then they will fall asleep at 9pm. So if he's falling asleep at 10pm try to aim for 2 hours before then, start the routine 30 mins before that.

Although DS seems to not follow any of these rules ( well he does the sleep window bit) so I m not sure I m the sleep guru :giggle: I m currently the sleep deprived guru! :hohoho:

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Re: Little night owl

Postby epsilon1 » Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:06 pm

For anyone interested, he got ill with a cold shortly after I posted, and somehow we're now on a vaguely sensible schedule most of the time, which I can control slightly by taking him out for an afternoon nap in the car, or not.

Now I really need to work out a way ofvgettingbhim to sleep that doesn't involve either a car ride or me feeding him. Preferably before the new baby arrives :eek: :help:

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