
My top tip for nappy rash - whats yours?

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Postby millymummy » Sun Feb 25, 2007 10:30 pm

i found the cornflour good too for drying the creases, i shake some on dry fleece wipes before i store then in a plastic make up bag so they are all ready and use them every change

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Postby clothmama » Mon Feb 26, 2007 5:51 am

Love the idea of pre doing the cornflour, I could have a little box with the wet wipes and one with cornflour dry wipes! You ladies are geniouses I never think of stuff like that!!!!

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Postby Velvetsteph » Thu Jun 28, 2007 1:07 pm

Another tip for those red but not rashy legs when it's sore but not a rash as such...

Calamine lotion - every nappy change - allow to dry before putting nappy back on (doesn't take long)...

Reduces the inflamation very quickly...

It also works well when it's a proper rash - takes the heat out and helps it be less itchy!

S xx

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Postby Velvetsteph » Sun Nov 25, 2007 11:01 pm

And how could I forget pure aloe-vera, so soothing and cooling on sore red bits...

Best site for nappy rash creams is http://www.theremustbeabetterway.co.uk/ - service is fab and quick delivery too...

http://www.theremustbeabetterway.co.uk/ ... reams.html

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Postby HannahBanana » Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:37 am

You can get 1kg of Shea Butter from this place for £9.99!!! BARGAIN!


I actually got mine from here before I was told about the above place though :roll:


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Postby Velvetsteph » Wed Dec 12, 2007 8:59 pm

HannahBanana wrote:You can get 1kg of Shea Butter from this place for £9.99!!! BARGAIN!


I actually got mine from here before I was told about the above place though :roll:


Do you really need a kilogram?!?! No-one uses that much surely?! :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol:

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Postby clothpenguin » Tue Dec 18, 2007 7:06 pm

What is the best "everyday" moisteriser in your experiences? I have some green people baby salve and some green people baby wash for bums/wipes when they need a scrub + moisturise but I was thinking I need somthing more hardcore as a barrier cream, and I'm not sure what to get. As natural products are expensive I want to get a good one. I am very very keen to avoid petrolium products, SLS, Parabens etc but petrolium products are top of my list of nasties becuase they do revolting things to my skin and I cannot imagine what they do to a babies bum over time. They'd have botties like crisps in a few days!

I was thinking of the greenpeople bottom balm but its blooming expensive, I love greenpeople products which is why I got the other two is there somthing better out there such as shea butter or is the Angel baby one a good alternative, help me choose please! Don't want to fall into using what I can buy in the chemists if I can help it becuase its full of crud.

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Re: My top tip for nappy rash - whats yours?

Postby JennyWren » Sun Feb 24, 2008 10:49 pm

have to say that the best thing i did was switching to washing at 60 and using bio powder (aquados) - recommended by other mums on CNA too. completely got rid of the rash, don't use any creams at all now.
but of course, everyone has their own approaches/preferences

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Re: My top tip for nappy rash - whats yours?

Postby EeeGee » Mon Mar 10, 2008 7:34 pm

I use metanium on my DD... it clears her nappy rashes up very quickly :)


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