
Your wishlist...?

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Your wishlist...?

Postby lilylover » Fri Feb 02, 2007 11:40 am

Hi there ladies loved this post on bc so just wanted to ask: whats on your cloth wishlist? Mine is:

Happy heineys (love the daisy and cow's)
Some more fuzzi bunz
A bumgenius pocket (these look great and I love the blossom)
A mommies touch (again in pink!)
A stuffie (will have to order from the uk :( )
A slinki minki (love the prints)
A fluffle (in winter)
Some wool longies (obviously for winter)

Theres probably heaps more but that will do! Hopefully can order some more fluffy mail soon so can cross some off my list!


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Postby beck » Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:14 pm

hmmmm let me think......

fuzzi bunz
swaddlebees OV
happy heineys - roses and cow
some more greenkids - they've got new designs!!
bamboozles colours
wool longies
pea pods in bigger sizes
lrg cushie tushies - they've got new prints

theres probably heaps more but thats all I can think of off the top of my head!!

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Postby clothmama » Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:57 am

great post!!! he he he he it makes me want more nappies though - NAUGHTY!!!! well I've just recieved my 1st happy heiney today so thats one off the list and I have a baby beehinds bamboo on the way so still left is

Wacky Wrap - yellow tractor Ron
G - Diapers Hawaiin print
Wee notions personalised wrap with Louis name on it, unfortunately its £5 a letter so thats £25, not sure if you have to add wrap cost on top, I presume so - aaaarrrrggg, might ask mil for that one for his birthday, will just be gettting worm enough to show it off lol!!!

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Postby clothmama » Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:18 am

Just thought I'd bump this up as doing our lists of what we have got has made us think about what we still want lol!!!!!!!!!!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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Postby Annette » Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:44 am

I am refraining from nappy purchases. But so many people keep going on about those dam Bumgenius. So I would like to try them one day. Maybe when I have another, as they are btp I could justify buying them and a new baby would deserve to have some new nappies and not just Charlotte's hand-me-downs. So much for justifying my nappy purchases by saying they will be used on another - I will probably buy loads more, lol.

Of course I am always on the look out for cute wraps so I am sure if someone brings out a new design I will have to have it.


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Postby clothmama » Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:55 am

Thats good to know!
I'm feeling the same way about the bumgenious and as I definately want another baby it would be a good purchase! :D tbh I actually need more nappies, I'm so sick of searching and having to always finish them in the dryer! I could wash more often but i really dont' want to go down that route!

Do you find the wee notions wraps really are as good as ME ones or would I have to expect some wicking? I really like some of the prints!

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Postby Annette » Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:51 am

I have never had a problem with the Wee Notions wicking. I have even used them overnight without any problems.
I now have 5 of their wraps, will have to post some pictures as they really are cute. Can we post pictures on here?
I was surprised to hear about the cost of the letters, I have 2 that are embroidered and they were expensive - £14 each I think but they were worth it. Don't think I could justify £25 just on the embroidery though.

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Postby millymummy » Sat Feb 24, 2007 3:23 pm

if you've seen my post on how many nappies i have then i really shouldn't have a wishlist! a few of the nappies are getting small for milly though so as she moves up a size i can sell them to indulge my shopping urges.
i'd like more weewonders as the med fits her beautifully now and we can have more patterns, same with the stuffies.

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Postby karenandgeorgia » Sat Feb 24, 2007 5:37 pm

I would love to try a G Diaper after seeing all those lovely pice of the girls wearing them on BC. Would be lovely to show off in the summer!! If this rain ever stops!!
I would also like to try a swaddlebees ov fitted, they look gorgeous(in pink obviously)
I'm avoiding the thread where you list your nappy collection, I think I might frighten myself how many we have!!


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