
Help, new to cloth and getting leaks :O

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Help, new to cloth and getting leaks :O

Postby Emmajane18 » Thu Feb 19, 2015 2:43 pm

Hi everyone,
I've always used disposables with my little girl who is now two but not potty trained yet but I want to cloth nappy my next baby so I bought some close pop-in +minkee nappys off ebay to try with my little girl to give cloth a go.

So today we tried cloth for the first time, nappy one went ok she pooed in it before it got to wet so I changed it and put on the next one but within 2 hours her trousers were damp and the nappy gussets were soaked on the outside. I thought the outer bit was supposed to be waterproof so even if the inner was wet it wouldnt pass through the outer? Argh I'm so sad I really wanted to like cloth but she's back in disposables after 2 nappies have I done something wrong?

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Re: Help, new to cloth and getting leaks :O

Postby Kim » Thu Feb 19, 2015 2:50 pm

I'm not sure on these nappies but you should be able to find some that work for you- someone on here is bound to have used pop-ins.

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Re: Help, new to cloth and getting leaks :O

Postby ponygirl » Thu Feb 19, 2015 3:15 pm

I had pop ins as part of my stash with my lo, got to say they were one of my most reliable nappies, even at night time. I havent tried the new minkee ones though.

Were the pop ins new? Is your lo a particularly heavy wetter?

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Re: Help, new to cloth and getting leaks :O

Postby confusinglady » Thu Feb 19, 2015 3:31 pm

Two is a really tricky age as they start to hold wee prior to being ready for knickers and then when they do have one its a big wee. Could she be doing this? My two oldest both started to do this around two. I could go to change them after two hours and the nappy would be dry, put it back on and 10 mins later they could be soaked through!
Saying that I ve never had much luck with pockets or all in ones tbh mine must always have big wees and wick out of the leg gussets.

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Re: Help, new to cloth and getting leaks :O

Postby Emmajane18 » Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:23 pm

Thanks for everyone's help yes I think maybe that could be it that she's holding in the wee and then getting rid of it all at once were starting potty training soon I was just really disappointed that my first try Failed lol and they weren't new they had been used a couple of times but excellent condition I think maybe she just wees to much for these nappies to absorb :/

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Re: Help, new to cloth and getting leaks :O

Postby Emmajane18 » Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:29 pm

Which pop ins did you have ponygirl? We're they bamboo I've read that bamboos really absorbent so maybe the bamboo ones are more absorbent than the minkee.

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Re: Help, new to cloth and getting leaks :O

Postby Katielou » Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:35 pm

I've only tried little lamb one size pockets and ebay one and didn't get on with either of those. Only use 2 parters now and really don't find them anymore bother or particularly more bulky either.

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Re: Help, new to cloth and getting leaks :O

Postby Emmajane18 » Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:38 pm

What kind of two parters do you use? Is that like prefolds and wraps?

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Re: Help, new to cloth and getting leaks :O

Postby LynniferT » Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:49 pm

You could try boosting the popins with a bamboo booster or 2 before trying new nappies.

I bought some minkee pop ins for bump and if he's a heavy wetter i'm going to boost with hemp or bamboo :)


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