
Feeling pretty awful, actually (moaning again.sorry)

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Re: Feeling pretty awful, actually (moaning again.sorry)

Postby ponygirl » Mon Oct 27, 2014 7:59 am

Hope they have managed to get your temperature under control, let us know how you are getting on when you can.

:hug: :hug:

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Re: Feeling pretty awful, actually (moaning again.sorry)

Postby girlinleeds » Mon Oct 27, 2014 8:58 am

hope your ok, thinking of you :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Re: Feeling pretty awful, actually (moaning again.sorry)

Postby amba » Mon Oct 27, 2014 9:53 am

Hope your ok?

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Re: Feeling pretty awful, actually (moaning again.sorry)

Postby clothmama » Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:24 am

@cuppachaplz you are online! what news???? :hug:

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Re: Feeling pretty awful, actually (moaning again.sorry)

Postby cuppachaplz » Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:40 am

Sorry, @clothmama, trying to update, but keep struggling to get to the end of the post!

I was moved to delivery I think for 1 to 1 care, however they were also concerned that as my temp was still rising, early labour was a possibility. Temperature now under control after a pretty rough night.
They had to give me gentamycin in the end so concerns about ototoxicity (baby) and nephrotoxicity (both of us) but I think they were totally out of options.
They have removed the urinary catheter today, presumably hoping that the infection is why I was obstructing, and will continue to monitor output.
I am also waiting on liver (raised enzymes in blood biochem) and kidney scans.
My blood count today is pretty much the same, no no further deterioration.

On another note, am going to have to pack bags when I get home; I am deeply disturbed by what constitutes a wash kit in my husband's eyes :roll:

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Re: Feeling pretty awful, actually (moaning again.sorry)

Postby clothmama » Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:47 am

cuppachaplz wrote:Sorry, @clothmama, trying to update, but keep struggling to get to the end of the post!

Don't be sorry, was just worrying about you and noticed you were on!
I'm so glad you are OK and baby is staying put! Great news about the catheter coming out, make sure you drink lots to have good output! I hope the scans are clear as well :hug:

cuppachaplz wrote:On another note, am going to have to pack bags when I get home; I am deeply disturbed by what constitutes a wash kit in my husband's eyes :roll:

:giggle: I was just thinking this yesterday as I popped in what I could into my washbag, I was thinking a specific note in my washbag and big bag with exactly what else I need packing will be the way to go just in case for whatever reason I'm not able to do all the last minute bits myself!

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Re: Feeling pretty awful, actually (moaning again.sorry)

Postby cuppachaplz » Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:53 pm

I was just thinking this yesterday as I popped in what I could into my washbag, I was thinking a specific note in my washbag and big bag with exactly what else I need packing will be the way to go just in case for whatever reason I'm not able to do all the last minute bits myself!

love this :giggle:
exact instructions :yahoo:
'tis the only way.

TBF, when I came in, I had no idea I would be staying; I brought a book and my phone.
I also took the car, and left DH behind, as he was in the middle of changing the lock on the door (didn't fancy leaving front door wide open), and I didn't think I'd be long, so he had to come up when they decided to keep me.
I asked him for; a change of clothes, a nightshirt (as urinary catheter), and a wash kit.
He brought my laptop (v useful as crap all signal in the hospital), a pre-pregnancy skinny t shirt, a thong and an underwired bra (4+ cup sizes too small), pyjamas (from which I could only wear the top, coming down to about my belly button), and the aforementioned inadequate wash kit. I have no idea where he managed to find my pre-preggers clothes to bring as I thought they were in a big bag on top of the wardrobe where I wouldn't pick them up by mistake when in a rush...
So from here on there will exist, an inpatient bag (written wash kit list-great idea, but I hadn't previously realised that was so difficult :/), a hospital bag, and a longer stay hospital bag, each labelled as such.
I guess another plan is to just buy 3 extra sets of toiletries; it's not as though they go off is it???

Thinking this is making me worry about him home alone, how is he tying his shoelaces :roll: :giggle:

Starting to feel more human now, still on iv drugs, so still in, but back down stairs now :) hoping gfor a home plan tomorrow xx

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Re: Feeling pretty awful, actually (moaning again.sorry)

Postby ems101 » Mon Oct 27, 2014 9:01 pm

Sorry to hear you are still unwell. On the useless at bagpacking husband topic.... I was in and out of hospital for weeks leading to ds2being born so had a master bag on the go as well as a hold all for taking with me. If I told hubs go get me clothes or underwear or snacks or whatever, there were always spares in the master bag. closer to d day I also put baby things and Labour things in there too.

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Re: Feeling pretty awful, actually (moaning again.sorry)

Postby clothmama » Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:19 pm

cuppachaplz wrote:Thinking this is making me worry about him home alone, how is he tying his shoelaces :roll: :giggle:

:barflol: oh dear!!!!

cuppachaplz wrote:I guess another plan is to just buy 3 extra sets of toiletries; it's not as though they go off is it???

I have got spare mini things and just bought a new bodywash so I know that the basics are definitely in there!


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