
Potty training today!

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Potty training today!

Postby pebbles08 » Thu May 26, 2011 11:36 am

Well when I got up this morning I had no plans to potty train; ds apparently had other ideas. He has spent the morning pantless; and we have now had 8 wees and 2 poos in the potty, along with no accidents! Im very impressed with him, but not sure its going to work when he has pants on, as he is not telling me he wants to go, he is just doing it! Rightly or wrongly I got the star chart out, and we're getting cheers, claps and stickers for each event!

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Re: Potty training today!

Postby beck » Thu May 26, 2011 11:39 am

Well done!!!!

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Re: Potty training today!

Postby littlesez » Thu May 26, 2011 11:57 am

sounds like he is doing fab! I say yay to the sticker chart :mrgreen:

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