
Night nappy solution?

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Dancing mum
Cloth Nappy Nutter
Cloth Nappy Nutter

Re: Night nappy solution?

Postby Dancing mum » Fri Jan 16, 2015 3:56 pm

Hi @Kim, yes she still feeds LOADS at night! She's on and off every 1-2 hrs at the mo (I'm going to have to tackle that at some point but I'm just riding it out at the mo).
The wool really is fab and LO seems very comfortable. Made a rooky mistake last night and put a new swaddlebees hemp booster between nappy and Longies having forgotten to prewash it (often buy things preloved so it's not normally an issue). Even though nappy and insert was soaked when I realised in early hrs this morning her skin was absolutely fine and she didn't seem in the slightest bit bothered and I think this is because the Longies kept air circulating a bit more iyswim?
I'm still sometimes getting boosting a bit wrong but on the whole she's going the whole night in the same nappy, and the nights that I change her are because I haven't boosted it right.
I can definitely see that this will work though :thumbsup: Hemp and wool seems like the best solution at the moment and I'm hoping to get a couple of hemp nappies rather than just using hemp to boost cos I imagine that will be even better. Good luck when you give cloth at night a go, I certainly don't think it's any harder than disposables at night because when I used to use disposables for bed I'd still usually change her before the morning because nappy was so full.

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Re: Night nappy solution?

Postby JabberJabber » Fri Jan 16, 2015 4:54 pm

@Dancingmum I'm really pleased to hear that wool seems to be working for you. :)

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Cloth Nappy Nutter

Re: Night nappy solution?

Postby Kim » Fri Jan 16, 2015 7:56 pm

Thanks for the update. I can see some purchases on the horizon.


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