
Cloth pull-ups for night/travelling?

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Cloth pull-ups for night/travelling?

Postby Miss_Purple » Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:36 pm

DD hasn't worn nappies in the day for over a year now, although we still get accidents from time to time. At night she is nowhere near ready though as she doesn't wake when she does a wee, so we just end up with a wet bed, wet pyjamas etc, and a still sleeping girl.

She is complaining that her nappies are tight now though, and it's getting harder to lay her down to put her nappy on, particularly when she's tired, as she doesn't really want to wear them anymore. She is probably only doing one wee a night as her nappies aren't soaked, so I'm thinking pull-ups might be the solution, feeling more like pants so we can encourage her to ask if she needs a wee, but stopping the soaking wet midnight bed stripping which we have everytime we let her not wear a nappy. Also we are going on holiday in a few weeks and I am a bit worried about the plane journey and coach transfer as I don't know how much access we'll have to toilets, so I'd be happier if she could wear something which would minimise the embaressment if she were to have an accident.

I have seen disposable pull-ups with Disney Princesses on which would be fine for holiday, but I can see that DD will love the princesses and want to keep wearing them when we come home, and tbh I'm not prepared to shell out for disposables for x months until she night trains, but it will be hard to tell her to go back into nappies after letting her wear pull-ups while away.

I know about Motherease Bedwetter pants, and Minki pull-ups - but does anyone know of any other ones? and has anyone had experience of them at all?

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Re: Cloth pull-ups for night/travelling?

Postby gilbertandmartha » Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:49 am

I don't know about the cloth side, but we had Riley in pull ups for a while at night after she regressed a lot, and boy was it tough getting her out of her 'tiger' nappies. Even though she was totally dry for months she refused to wear undies. If i could have bought some plain pull ups i would have but no one sells them! So if she's a stubborn thing (like Riley) stay away from the theme pull ups!

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