
Does anyone find .

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Does anyone find .

Postby scarlet » Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:07 pm

...that their little one smells once their night nappy has been removed?
Bit of a random post , but I'm just finding Pearl sometimes smells a bit of stale wee once her night nappy is removed in the morning. So am having to give her a little wash. I stripped the nappies the other day but it doesn't seem to have helped...

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Re: Does anyone find .

Postby Kirstyh » Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:28 pm

yes Grace always smells of wee, she wears a pull up at night now but did in cloth to. She always gets hands, face and bum washed in the morning though so she is frishy fresh :D

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Re: Does anyone find .

Postby Louise » Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:37 pm

Yes, always. And their night nappies absolutely reek :puke: I think its just where their urine is more concentrated at night.

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Re: Does anyone find .

Postby scarlet » Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:39 pm

Thanks ladies , I'm sick of these night nappies but not sure how to go about night potty training. Especially as Pearl takes a drink of water to bed with her...

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Re: Does anyone find .

Postby Louise » Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:47 pm

scarlet wrote:Thanks ladies , I'm sick of these night nappies but not sure how to go about night potty training. Especially as Pearl takes a drink of water to bed with her...

IMO you can't night train. It just happens when they are ready. The signal that is sent from the kidneys to the brain that wakes us up when we need to go is the last to develop apparently. Some people lift their children before they go to bed but that's never worked here as both R and K wee in the early hours of the morning too. A was dry at night a few months after PTing but I am still :waiting: for R and K :roll: R sleeps so deeply he just doesn't wake up when he needs to go. I am hoping at least one of them will start having dry nappies soon!!

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Re: Does anyone find .

Postby Kirstyh » Fri Aug 24, 2012 9:19 pm

yeah you can't night trian, it is frustraiting though, we will all get there though :wink:

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Re: Does anyone find .

Postby zoeyboo » Sat Aug 25, 2012 8:03 am

Lifting Rufus doesn't work either as he wees in the early hours, he's dry about 50% of the time. I think it's just a waiting game.

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Re: Does anyone find .

Postby tanya » Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:11 am

Yep, night nappies hum and a wash is necessary.

You just have to wait for night dryness to happen. We've never lifted. We decided that they are either properly dry, with no help from us, or they still needed night nappies.

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Re: Does anyone find .

Postby scarlet » Sat Aug 25, 2012 4:35 pm

A friend of mine went nappy free with her daughter ( same age as P) both in the day and night at the same time. She said that she was dry at night from night one which she really shocked about and took her about a week to get the day "training". I never really thought about doing that , where as she was surprised when I said we hadn't ( not in a nasty way just hadn't realised that wasn't the norm).
Its interesting how they are all so different.
Its funny as thinking back Pearl was probably dryer at night when we first started PT so maybe I would have been better doing that.
She did ask about not wearing a nappy at night the other day so thats a good sign. But you guys are so rights its about letting them do it in their own time! Problem is we only have 5 night nappies ...so with washing and drying its a bit of a pain...


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