
22 Bambino Mio flat white nappies, second size

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22 Bambino Mio flat white nappies, second size

Postby RuthSelway » Mon Jan 27, 2014 4:58 pm

Price: £23.95 PayPal Costs: £1.50Total: £25.00 + £13.35 p&p
Image We're finally finished with nappies *woo-hoo!*

Selling 22 Bambino Mio flat white cotton nappies (second size), most of them have some discoloration, all have been through the machine hot wash cycle several times.
These nappies are the type that fold up before going into a nappy wrapper along with a liner
I'm also selling a selection of nappy wraps.

Due to the extortionate postage prices I'm happy for these to be collected in person, we're about 15 mins from M3 J5 in the UK

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