
What would you reccomend?

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What would you reccomend?

Postby mousenose » Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:22 pm

Hello. I have recently (like this week) switched to cloth and I am getting along fine. Currently using mio prefolds and little lamb wraps but there is the possibility that I may be able to use cloth for jake at nursery so thought that pockets would be a good, easy option. He is almost eleven months, 22lb and a bitchunky.

So should I birth to potty so i can use them for next baby straight away, or go with a sized nappy because he would possibly only need one til he is potty trained?

Also what pockets would you reccomend? Would I need wraps etc?

Thankyou x

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Re: What would you reccomend?

Postby Mareth » Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:26 pm

If they're for nursery then you don't want anything too fancy in case they go missing. I'd say something like bum genius or similar. I think there is a brand being sold very cheaply on ebay, think it's coolababy, I think a couple of others on here are using them for nursery.

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Re: What would you reccomend?

Postby Annette » Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:27 pm

You could go straight for sized nappies - you will be able to go for larges and they will probably last longer than the btp ones.

However, having said that, as Mareth says, for nursery I send in Coolababy pocket nappies as these are very cheap, I can send in just the one type so they aren't having to get to grips with different ones and I am not so concerned if something happens to them - they like to really slap on the cream and I am always worried they might lose one (although it hasn't happened yet). I think the Coolababy ones are just £5.50 each and come with a microfibre insert (but if you have a heavy wetter you might find you need to boost this, Ben doesn't need anything more but some find this isn't enough). They are also very large for a btp nappy - Ben still wears them on the middle rise setting with just one popper showing on each side so there is loads of growing room.

Worth a try as you would struggle to get pre-loved pockets and inserts at that price.

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Re: What would you reccomend?

Postby mousenose » Tue Sep 08, 2009 5:11 pm

great! I have two coolababies a wonderoo and a bum genius I think coming! I can see what suits x

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Re: What would you reccomend?

Postby flowergirl » Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:33 pm

I use Bum Genius for Phoebe and they are great for nursery, they're slim fitting, dry fast and look lovely but as she is quite skinny they gape at the legs and I have lots of leaks- so many that I now always put a wrap over them. Unfortunately I was naiive and bought 20 of them before Phoebe was born. If I had my time again I'd do what you are doing and try loads before I committed to one type. My sister and friend use BG on thier chunkier babies and have no problems whatsoever :roll:

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