
wnss q

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wnss q

Postby fluffycabbage » Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:20 pm

got my wnss m from flutterby yesterday, so it went on charlotte today. however, it only lasted 1 1/2 hrs. that was with an ep hemp booster and a microfibre insert on top of that, and a fleece liner. it had wet thru at the top and onto her trousers, and at the back (bum area ) it was pretty damp. im thinking i still need to boost some more - what do you think? ps, shes 90%bf.

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Re: wnss q

Postby winniewheresmypooh » Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:42 pm

Not sure on this one. my large leaks but i think it is not tight enough round the legs. i would be tempted to try bamboo on top of hemp but TBH i stay away from pockets if i can as they all leak pretty quick (except my BG's). pockets are not as reliable as my AI2'S and 2 part systems.

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Re: wnss q

Postby fluffycabbage » Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:52 pm

oh really? well it was done up tight round the legs so that wasnt the problem, it was just wet thru lol. she needs some nasa designed boosters or something lol :giggle: ive tried bg but im not that impressed :-?

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Re: wnss q

Postby indigosky2k » Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:13 pm

I use a P'tits Dessouss bamboo insert in most of mine and Kacie can wear it for 2-3 hours. I'd think if it was wet out of the back rather than from round the legs, it's more of a case of it squishing out rather than not being absorbant enough, IYKWIM. I don't use much microfibre as I find leaks of this sort happen more with MF than hemp or bamboo. The only leak I've had from my WN's have been when she's coming up due for a change and has a poo :roll:

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Re: wnss q

Postby Kirstyh » Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:30 pm

I would swap the mf for bamboo as it sounds like the wee is squishing out of the mf. x

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Re: wnss q

Postby Louise » Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:04 pm

WTS. We can't use MF at all due to compression wicking and use bamboo and hemp in all our pockets. Even with that combination though I need to change Katie every 2 hours. Fitteds and wool last us much longer.

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Re: wnss q

Postby fluffycabbage » Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:16 pm

ok thanks. she managed to go nearly 3 hrs with a fuzzi with its own booster and an ep bamboo in. they seem to work quite well for her! but i'm gonna get some hemp ones. or is it hemp ive got, and need to get bamboo? oh god........ :roll: :giggle:

aaaaaanyway - is it bamboo that takes its time absorbing but holds a lot, and holds well? but hemp absorbs quicker? so you would generally put a hemp on top of a bamboo?

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Re: wnss q

Postby fluffycabbage » Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:38 pm

oh haha, just had a reply on another post saying that hemp goes on the bottom coz it absorbs slower. so completely the opposite to what ive been doing :oops: :hohoho:

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Re: wnss q

Postby MrsWeirdo » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:24 am

Yup, hemp at the bottom.... :)

I love the EP boosters. Hemp is really absorbant (I'm not sure if it's more, or the same as bamboo....) but hemp dries loads quicker!

Blueberry inserts are good, they have a little bit of microfibre on to absorb the intial wee and the main part is hemp. i still need to boost these for my super heavey wetting power weeing DS though :roll:

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