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by emuk00 on Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:15 pm
I would just love to say that I am really enjoying using this site...I have had lots of helpful and useful info off the girls on here and even bagged a few bargains to add to my collection, although hubby isn't happy lol

I have to say I am now a complete cloth nappy addict!!
2 Comments Viewed 4206 times

bad week :-(

by g murphy on Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:22 pm
Well where to begin?

My nan and step grandad live in a little mountain village in spain ( http://mapq.st/hYIzg8 ) They have lived there for about 10 years now and have stayed very active up to the past few weeks.
My nan has had a few bad kidney infections in the past few weeks and has been sent to a&e 3 weeks ago ( where within 4 hours she was seen, had CT and ultrasound scans, Xrays and blood and urine tests and got...

[ Continued ]
3 Comments Viewed 10603 times

Last weeks private lesson

by nic1 on Sun Sep 06, 2009 9:42 am
I took the opportunity to have a half hour private lesson on the same horse but it was my riding instructors (RI) day off so i had a different one. My canters are still abit ropey at times. She said my position in trot is good but then i lean forward trying to get the horse into canter as if i am urging him to go into canter and then i get all unbalanced in my position.

I am still enjoying the lessons though and keeping it fun!!
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by frankie_n_baby on Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:02 pm
I'm off to see my mw today for the first time since booking in, in October. I'm not looking forward to it. Mind you, with all this snow, she may not make it to the local doc's. I will phone and see in a bit.
3 Comments Viewed 48170 times

It all starts tomorrow

by 0_Lisa_0 on Tue Jun 15, 2010 9:07 pm
Tomorrow will be OH's first day of chemo and I currently have no idea how I feel about it I don't even know what to write. I have to be strong but sometimes just want to curl up in a corner. Austin can't spend much time with him because he just gets bored and has to be taken out of the hospital, I'm worried he will barely get to see OH if he gets bored and OH is too ill. I'm still not convinced this isn't all some horrid nightmare.
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